About Hillandale Solar

Hillandale Solar is working alongside environmental experts, neighbors, and County leaders to develop a Project that can optimally blend with the natural landscape of the area. The project includes extensive setbacks, vegetative screening, and numerous wildlife corridors. Located in a rural area with few neighbors, the project seeks to ensure the solar panels have minimal visual impacts. The project will produce up to 102 MWs of electricity, provide hundreds of local jobs and increase direct and indirect County and community revenue.

The Facts About Hillandale Solar

  • Generate up to 102 MW of electricity, enough to power over 10,000 VA homes.
  • Significant amounts of land to remain undisturbed and unoccupied by equipment to be used as open space and wildlife corridors.
  • Extremely limited visibility with at least 100 feet of existing mature timber or planted vegetative buffering to be maintained around the entire project.
  • No audible noise and no exterior projecting lighting is to be installed.
  • Generate millions in direct revenue to Halifax and Pittsylvania County

Location Information

Hillandale Solar is located in was carefully sited in the northeastern corner of Pittsylvania County and the northwestern corner of Halifax County. The property allows for extensive buffers to screen the site from view and to conserve land as open space for utilization by wildlife.

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