What can Hillandale Solar do for your County?

Growing with and serving the Community is a top priority.

Hillandale Solar can create long term and short-term benefits for both Halifax and Pittsylvania County. This includes clean renewable energy to power homes, preserved open space, preserved wildlife corridors, revenue for local businesses during construction and operation, revenues for local property owners, millions of dollars in County revenues for community priorities, and hundreds of green energy construction jobs created.

Hillandale Solar Benefits Everyone

Preservation of Rural Character
  • Remote location within the Counties
  • Minimum 100-foot-wide existing mature timber or planted vegetative buffer.
  • Location and buffers will screen the project from neighboring views, adjacent property, and road frontage.
Stewardship of the Land
  • The project will preserve open space and wildlife corridors.
  • Designed and located eliminate impacts to nearby residences, historic, cultural, recreational, and environmentally sensitive areas or scenic viewsheds.
  • Maintains undisturbed open space outside of fence line.
Job Creation
  • Hundreds of green construction jobs created over the 16–20-month construction period.
  • Millions in associated labor income
  • Opportunities for full-time jobs created during the life of the project.
Community Partnerships
  • Hillandale Solar is committed to be a long-term partner for the local community.
  • Support local businesses, non-profits, and organizations.
  • Economic inflows to the community through utilization of local services, supplies, trades, and commodities.
County Revenue
  • Millions in direct revenue to the County over the operation life of the Project.
  • Additional real estate taxes
  • Millions in economic output/activity within the County
Low-Cost Clean Energy
  • Clean energy for over 10,000 Virginia homes for the next 30+ years.
  • Help Virginia achieve its mandated goal of 100% zero carbon energy generation by 2050.
  • Reduce carbon dioxide equivalent emissions by over 141,700 metric tons each year.

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